Mr. Ronel B. Runes, a project technical staff at the Institute for Climate Change and Environmental Management (ICCEM), and Engr. Adrian C. Chummac, a faculty member from the Department of Environmental Science at the College of Science, CLSU, served as resource persons during a Farmer Field School (FFS) session organized by GNIP.

Engr. Chummac kick-started the event with a presentation on “Climate Resilient Crop Production Strategies”. He elucidated the effects of climate change and provided a comprehensive outlook on executing strategies to combat its adversities. His focused and informative presentation laid the foundation for the subsequent discussions.


Mr. Runes, a licensed agriculturist, delved into the topic of “Climate Change Influence on Insect Pests and Diseases.” His talk complemented Engr. Chummac’s presentation by familiarizing farmers with the potential impact of climate change on insect pests and diseases, as well as beneficial insects and other arthropods. This knowledge is crucial for safeguarding farming incomes and ensuring food security.
Engaging the farmer stakeholders, the speakers encourage active participation by posing questions and addressing inquiries from the attendees. This fruitful exchange fostered rich discussions and interactions between the participants and the resource persons, creating a dynamic learning environment.
Leveraging their extensive expertise and experience in research, Mr. Runes and Engr. Chummac aim to equip farmers with practical and sustainable solutions to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on crop yields.
The FFS session was led by respected individuals, including Mr. Alejandro S. Bana, the GNIP Project Officer, Mr. Joseph Jay C. Garibay, Chairman of the Board of Directors of San Clemente Agriculture Farmers Cooperative, and Ms. Delia A. Felix, the Municipal Agriculturist of San Clemente. Their presence further emphasized the significance and impact of the event.
With the guidance of Mr. Runes and Engr. Chummac, local farmers are now better equipped to understand the effects of climate change on crop health and develop effective strategies to foster a sustainable and resilient agricultural sector.